Warning to Fellow BloggersOriginal Terbaru 2016

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Selamat Datang di RECIPE WORLD yang menyediakan berbagai Resep dan Tutorialnya untuk anda. Saya akan berbagi artikel yang sudah saya kemas untuk anda,kali ini saya sharing artikel resep yang berjudul Warning to Fellow Bloggers mudah mudahan dapat bermanfaat artikel saya dan resepnya wkwk :v Langsung di Downloadsaja untuk menggunakan Warning to Fellow Bloggers ini. Selamat mendownload semoga bermanfaat :D

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Warning to Fellow Bloggers

dan silahkan dicoba apabila sudah mengerti :D Link download resepnya ada dibawah sendiri ya jika ingin mendownload Warning to Fellow Bloggers ini.Thanks Warning to Fellow Bloggers
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A sweet blogging friend recently emailed me and said that she saw one of my recipe photos posted on another persons recipe blog. It was disturbing, but it wasn't the first (and probably not the last) time this has happened to me, so I tried not to over react.

But today, totally by accident, I ran across another web page (from Indonesia, no less!!) that had a TON of my recipes and photos posted as if they were this persons own work; not a single mention or link back to my recipe page at all!! So I started looking around the Internet, and I was shocked to see how "common" this practice is. 

So far, it seems that all of my photos that were swiped, were one's I posted before 2011. I'm guessing that must be, because in 2011, I started putting my name on my recipe photos; evidently, people don't like to steal photos that are labeled (I wish I had known that!!)

The funny thing is, is that I'm a terrible photographer!! Why are they stealing MY photos when there are so many great ones out there? Maybe mine are the ONLY ONES not labeled(?)

Lesson for the day:
PUT YOUR NAME ON ALL OF YOUR RECIPE PHOTOS MY FRIENDS!! and not just in the corner of the photo either because I've had people tell me that "thieves" are just cropping the authors name off of the edge of the photo and re-posting it.........Grrrrr!!

I am slowly going back through and labeling my old recipe photos, but it is a pain to do.

Thanks for listening to my rant.


Baru saja anda membaca artikel mengenai Warning to Fellow Bloggers Terima kasih telah membaca dan berkunjung di blog RECIPE WORLD silahkan kembali dilain waktu apabila anda ingin mendownload path lain untuk pes anda :D Atau ingin path lainnya disini

Daftar Isi

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