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Homemade Zobo "Hibiscus" syrup
dan silahkan dicoba apabila sudah mengerti :D Link download resepnya ada dibawah sendiri ya jika ingin mendownload Homemade Zobo "Hibiscus" syrup ini.Thanks Homemade Zobo "Hibiscus" syrupBantu Share di Sosmed ya :D
As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. I was inspired recently to make my own homemade syrup when i couldn't find what i needed for some cocktail drinks i had to make over the weekend. I was so amazed when the syrup turned out just right and gave me the desired effect and taste i needed for the drinks. Over the course of time, i've decided not to focus on big "imported" #wash #wash names i can't pronounce but to try infusing some of the local ingredients found around. Not only is this syrup easy to make, it also helps in saving a whole lot of money as well as gives you what you need.
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