How to make popcorn on a stove topOriginal Terbaru 2016

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How to make popcorn on a stove top

dan silahkan dicoba apabila sudah mengerti :D Link download resepnya ada dibawah sendiri ya jika ingin mendownload How to make popcorn on a stove top ini.Thanks How to make popcorn on a stove top
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Guguru ati ekpa
During my uni days as a student there were lots of things i didn't have i.e a microwave (because i stayed in the school hotel all through and large appliances like that weren't allowed) and most definitely i had NO popcorn machine. The one thing i did have though was a set of pots for cooking. With my portable camp gas, i could make just about anything from delicious homemade meals and pastries without an oven to snacks like popcorn. There was really no need for any fancy machine because my pots could do just about anything. Every now and again, whenever i get a craving for popcorn, all i do is pop some hot buttery salty or sugary popcorn in a pot on a stovetop.....Dazzal! :D. Here's how i do it below. 
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