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Lagos Seafood Festival + Paint the Night Africa
dan silahkan dicoba apabila sudah mengerti :D Link download resepnya ada dibawah sendiri ya jika ingin mendownload Lagos Seafood Festival + Paint the Night Africa ini.Thanks Lagos Seafood Festival + Paint the Night AfricaBantu Share di Sosmed ya :D
This past weekend was a blast and I had such a great time. I was invited to an art event called Paint the night Africa tagged #PtnAfrica. It was scheduled to hold by 6:30pm at Terra Kulture but since i wanted to make it to a book reading event organised by a friend of mine at the same venue, i had to leave home quite early so i could catch the last BRT bus leaving town for the day as well as make it to the island in time for both events. Along the way, i saw a festival going on very close to my destination. My curiosity got the better part of me and i said goodbye to the book reading by simply strolling to the venue like i was!. The Festival arena was located very close to the beach and was filled with lots of sea food vendors as well as different display stands were they showcased their wares.
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