Afia Efere Recipe - How to make Efik style "white soup"Original Terbaru 2016

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Afia Efere Recipe - How to make Efik style "white soup"

dan silahkan dicoba apabila sudah mengerti :D Link download resepnya ada dibawah sendiri ya jika ingin mendownload Afia Efere Recipe - How to make Efik style "white soup" ini.Thanks Afia Efere Recipe - How to make Efik style "white soup"
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It's late February and the heat is off the grid. I don't know if that's one of the reasons why my love for white soup intensified all of a sudden. This has got me playing with different ingredients and flavors to get a different take every time. Here's why i love white soup; it's really easy to make. Just picture yourself making pepper soup with a few more additional ingredients added to it...Sounds easy doesn't it. There are different versions of white soup such as Afia Efere (the Efik version) and Ofe Nsala (the igbo version). The thing is, they're both the same but slightly different in taste due to the spices used in the preparation. This is one of the reasons why i love Nigerian dishes. Once you know what to add and subtract, switching up the recipe and coming up with something new becomes a home run. You could use chicken, beef or fish for this but for optimum flavor, i'd recommend using goat meat.
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