Miyan Wake - (Northern Bean Soup)Original Terbaru 2016

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Miyan Wake - (Northern Bean Soup)

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Whether you're under the weather or looking to whoop it up, there's a bowl of soup that's just right for the occasion. That soup is Miyan Wake...the Northern bean soup. It's very similar to the western Nigerian gbegiri soup but with a slight twist due to the ingredients used in the preparation. As easy as it sounds, this soup is bound to be a family favorite when prepared well. The good thing about this soup is, it doesn't require any fancy ingredients. Beans which is the main ingredient used in the preparation of this dish is a very good source of protein, iron, vegetable fiber, niacin and pantothenic acids which are two vitamins that protect and nourish the skin for a healthy glow. It is cholesterol free and does not contain saturated fat. It's usually eaten with tuwon shinkafa, a popular "swallow" in the northern part of Nigeria. Now this is what the northerners call "Arewa" meaning Fine dining at it’s best!
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